Putin, the Middle East, and the Destruction of American Democracy.
Just some bollocks from my butt
Looking indirectly at the Israel-Hamas conflict, and the massive (unprecedented?) amount of misinformation surrounding it, I am going to engage in a bit of conjecture.
First off, wouldn’t be surprise in the least if Putin didn’t engineer Hamas to attack Israel at this time, but even if he didn’t he is supporting their effort. I have read some clever people who think it’s to distract (and drain resources) from Ukraine. I agree, but I think it goes much further.
I don’t think I’ve seen the Russian propaganda machine working quite this hard before especially in the US. And most of it is effecting the Democratic party.
To go back just a few years, everyone has their ideas why Biden won, mine is that by bringing Sanders supporters into the fold, giving them a seat at the table, and actually adopting some of their platform Biden created a coalition of mainstream Democrats, Progressives, and young voters.
The propaganda coming out of Russia in mass, seems to be focused on driving a wedge between these groups. Mainstream Democrats have an almost “Israel right or wrong” level of support for Israel, while according to polls I’ve seen Progressives and young people look beyond October 7 and see a history of conflict with Israel and Palestine both owning some of the blame for perpetuating it.
The disinformation campaign campaign coming from Russia is exacerbating this, and if things continue down this road then a lot of leftists, and especially young people, are going to stay home come election day. This would be very bad and I believe what Putin is going for.
Without that Democratic bloc intacted then Trump could very well win in 2024, and proceed to destroy democracy and replace it with a corrupt and incompetent autocracy, pretty much removing the US as a global player (and force for democracy) for the foreseeable future.
I don’t know what the answer is. Establishment Democrats are entrenching, AIPAC is attacking progressive Democrats for not being pro-Israel enough (and win or lose that is going to further splinter the party). Republicans are already using this as a way to cut off aid to Ukraine.
The world can’t really afford to let Putin win. I hope there are people more clever than I considering these things, because the only possible solution I see would be to resolve things in the Middle East very quickly.